Scam Alert
Uffington Parish Council
It has come to our attention that there has been a scam attempt, targeting Parish Council Members.
Emails are sent purporting to be from current Parish Councillors with the names of Councillors appearing in the ‘From’ boxes. The emails are requesting urgent contact via email and, subsequently, help in the form of money transfer or purchases to be made on behalf of the Council or individual Councillors.
PLEASE BE AWARE that we will never send such emails nor request any financial transfers or purchases to be made on behalf of the Council or the Councillors. If in doubt – please contact the Council on our usual email or via phone on 07908 681 405. You can also speak to any of the Councillors in person if you are concerned or dubious.
Check the actual email address – you can do that by hovering your mouse over the sender’s name – if the email is not from it most likely is a scam.
We have reported the known attempts to the National Fraud & Cyber Security Centre, but please let us know if you have fallen victim to these attempts and we will try to add it to our original report.
We advise that you do not engage with the scammers and do not reply to any such emails. Instead – please report the scam attempt to us and to the authorities. We have included various reporting facilities on our website which allow you to report scams and other problems easily. Please go to: or
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07980681405
Find Uffington Parish Council
Uffington, Uffington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire