Public Consultation - Smithfield Riverside plans to regenerate Shrewsbury town centre
Uffington Parish Council
Shropshire Council is seeking views on the Smithfield Riverside regeneration project in Shrewsbury town centre.
Views sought on Shrewsbury town centre plans
A four-week public consultation is now underway on the Smithfield Riverside regeneration project in Shrewsbury town centre.
Smithfield Riverside is set to transform the area between the River Severn, Darwin Centre, Roushill and Raven Meadows.
Earlier this year Shropshire Council, supported by the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership, secured almost £19 million of Levelling Up funding from Government to further support the regeneration of Shrewsbury town centre – kickstarting design work on the Smithfield Riverside masterplan.
The overarching masterplan will be split into four key zones, aiming to improve connectivity between the town centre and the town’s river loop.
This first public consultation focuses on zone one, located to the west and northwest of the Darwin Centre. Delivered through four separate planning applications, proposals would see the demolition of the Riverside shopping centre and former Riverside medical practice to create space for modern offices and homes, as well as an exciting new leisure offer including restaurants and a cinema.
The plans we're asking for your views on include a proposed landmark new public park adjacent to Roushill to breathe new life into this area through open green space, trees and planting, while helping to improve biodiversity in the town centre.
The consultation is open until 15 November.
Have you say on the Smithfield Riverside phase 1 plans
Drop-in events to help you see plans
Want to know more, meet the project team and see a scale 3D model of how Smithfield Riverside could look?
We're hosting a series of drop-in consultation events at the Shropshire Local unit on the top floor of the Darwin Centre, Shrewsbury, on:
- Wednesday 25 October 2pm - 7pm
- Thursday 26 October 11am - 4pm
- Saturday 28 October 10.30am - 3.30pm
Whether it's online or at these events, we look forward to hearing you views on the first phase of these plans.
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07980681405
Find Uffington Parish Council
Uffington, Uffington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire