Community Speed Watch
Uffington Parish Council
Your Community Needs You!
The Parish Council regularly receives complaints about speeding through the village, and continues to try and find solutions to this problem. As well as receiving a copy of the leaflet “Community Speed Watch: Information for volunteers” through your letterbox in recent months, you may also have seen the information on the scheme in the last issue of this magazine. It is coordinated by the police but managed and run by volunteers in the community. However, we are yet to hear from anyone outside of the Parish Council who wishes to volunteer. West Mercia Police’s Safer Neighbourhood Team will carry out training if there is sufficient interest, so if you would like to volunteer, please contact the Clerk or one of your Councillors as follows:
Councillor Lynne Padmore (Chair) - 01743 709524
Councillor Claire Ashton - [email protected]
Councillor Pauline Daimond - 01743 709034
Councillor Sophie Poole - [email protected]
Councillor Ted Strawbridge - 01743 709171
Lisa Harris (Clerk) - [email protected]
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07980681405
Find Uffington Parish Council
Uffington, Uffington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire