Meeting Dates
All meetings start at 7.30pm with the exception of May's meeting which commences immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting
The venue for each meeting is Uffington Village Hall SY4 4SQ
At the start of each meeting a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public to speak, with a strict 5-minute limit per speaker. Members of the public may speak on matters appearing on the agenda. However, if a matter does not appear on the agenda, a written request should be submitted to the Clerk no later than 2 working days before the meeting.
Meeting dates for 2024-25
- Monday 8th July
- Monday 9th September
- Monday 11th November
- Monday 13th January
- Monday 10th March
- Monday 19 May 2025 (Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm followed afterwards by Annual Parish Council Meeting)